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Non-invasive imaging of sodium dynamics in common reed using positron-emitting tracer imaging system

Suzui, Nobuo; Maruyama, Teppei*; Kawachi, Naoki; Miwa, Eitaro*; Higuchi, Kyoko*; Fujimaki, Shu

Common reed, which is classified to the same family as rice, is a salt-tolerant plant. In this study, we conducted non-invasive imaging of Na$$^{+}$$ dynamics in intact common reed plants by using $$^{22}$$Na tracer and a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS) in order to understand the salt-tolerant mechanism in common reed. Common reeds and rice plants were cultivated in a nutrient solution containing 50 mM NaCl. After $$^{22}$$Na was fed into the solution, we observed the $$^{22}$$Na movement from the solution to the shoot for 24 h using PETIS. As a result, $$^{22}$$Na was strongly accumulated in the shoot base but not transported to the upper shoot in common reed, whereas $$^{22}$$Na was continuously transported to the upper shoot in rice plant. Furthermore, we replaced the original solution with a fresh nutrient solution without $$^{22}$$Na and traced the $$^{22}$$Na movement inside the plants for 18 h. Detailed quantitative analysis of the image data revealed that $$^{22}$$Na migrated downward from the shoot base to the root tip in common reed. These results indicate that common reed has constitutive ability of Na$$^{+}$$ exclusion only in the direction of root tips, and consequently keeps low Na$$^{+}$$ concentration in the upper shoot.



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