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Report No.

Sorption of trivalent cerium by a mixture of microbial cells and manganese oxides; Effect of microbial cells on the oxidation of trivalent cerium

Onuki, Toshihiko; Jiang, M.*; Sakamoto, Fuminori  ; Kozai, Naofumi   ; Yamasaki, Shinya*; Yu, Q.; Tanaka, Kazuya  ; Utsunomiya, Satoshi*; Xia, X.*; Yange, K.*; He, J.*

The association of Ce(III) with the microbial cell surface and the formation of Ce phosphate nano-particles are responsible for suppressing the oxidation of Ce(III) to Ce(IV) in the mixtures.



- Accesses




Category:Geochemistry & Geophysics



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