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Report No.

Spectroscopic study of hyperon resonances below $$bar{K}N$$ threshold via the $$(K^-,n)$$ reaction on deuteron

Yamaga, Takumi*; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; J-PARC E31 Collaboration*; 70 of others*

We are planning to carry out an experimental study of hyperon resonance via the $$d(K^-,n)$$ reaction using kaon beam which has momentum of 1 GeV/$$c$$ at the J-PARC hadron experimental facility. In the presented reaction, $$Lambda(1405)$$ can be produced dynamically from meson-baryon resonant state. The performance of the counters was tested at the previous beam time of the J-PARC. The counters worked as expected. The preparation of experimental setup had been done.



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