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Report No.

Committee on dose assessments of Japanese population

Takahashi, Fumiaki  ; Ishimori, Yuu  ; Inagaki, Masayo*; Omori, Yasutaka*; Sanada, Tetsuya*; Sugino, Masato*; Furukawa, Masahide*; Hosoda, Masahiro*; Manabe, Kentaro   ; Yajima, Kazuaki*; Yasuda, Hiroshi*; Yoshida, Hiroko*

The Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS) established a committee on dose assessments of Japanese population in August, 2015. The committee consists of 12 members (researchers and technicians) who are engaged in natural radiation measurements, radiation monitoring, radiation dose assessment and so on. Discussion have been made on dose assessments for daily life exposure in Japan. At the first meeting, stragedy of the committee was discussed and terrestrial radiation, cosmic radiation. Radon and radioactivity in food were defined as the radiological source to be investigated. It was also decided that the committee also would investigate influential factors (e.g., dose assessment model, daily life pattern) on radiation dose assessments. In addition, the committee has a plan to make discussions how JHPS should undertake this issue in future. At the 49th Annual meeting of JHPS, the committee members report their activities and make discussions on radiation dose assessment of Japanese population with the participants to the meeting.



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