※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Verification of the quantitative method to measure enrichment of uranium-235 in radioactive waste

横山 薫; 佐藤 克典*; 山中 貴志*; 石森 有  

Yokoyama, Kaoru; Sato, Katsunori*; Yamanaka, Takashi*; Ishimori, Yuu


It is important for the processing manufacturers of the uranium fuels to determine the quantity of U-235 and the enrichment. This study shows that the U-235 content evaluated from measurement of 186 keV $$gamma$$ rays emitted from U-235 can be corrected by a shielding factor, Xgeometry which quantified uneven distribution of U-238. The Xgeometry is evaluated from the direct and the scattered $$gamma$$ rays from the 1001 keV emitted from the Pa-234m. The Xgeometry was originally introduced for U-238 measurements. Because U-235 coexists with U-238, the Xgeometry is also possible to apply to the U-235 measurements. The experimental study with simulated waste drums demonstrated that the quantification errors of the U-235 content and the enrichment are reduced considering the factor.



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