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Report No.

User interface of atmospheric dispersion simulations for nuclear emergency countermeasures

Hamuza, E.-A.; Nagai, Haruyasu  ; Sagara, Hiroshi*

In this study we would like to propose a method to use atmospheric dispersion simulations by WSPEEDI for consideration of crisis management on radionuclide dispersion from a nuclear power plant. WSPEEDI can simulate and output crucial information regarding environmental distribution of radionuclides and weather pattern for nuclear emergency countermeasures, thus this study will make use of its output to display the effective information for evacuation planning from a radionuclide dispersion. We will be assembling database of atmospheric dispersion outputs for one year by using WSPEEDI for a nuclear facility, then the database will be analysed to make the summary that has useful information for nuclear emergency managements. WSPEEDI outputs are converted into numeric information showing dispersion characteristics so that users can understand WSPEEDI predictions easily.



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Category:Energy & Fuels



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