鉛ビスマス冷却加速器駆動システムの熱設計,1; 定格運転条件に対する熱流動解析
Thermal design study of lead-bismuth cooled accelerator driven system, 1; Study on thermal hydraulic behavior under normal operation condition
秋本 肇; 菅原 隆徳
Akimoto, Hajime; Sugawara, Takanori
Thermal hydraulic behavior in a lead-bismuth cooled accelerator driven system (ADS) is analyzed under normal operation condition. Input data for the ADS version of J-TRAC code have been constructed to integrate the conceptual design. The core part of the ADS is modeled in detail to evaluate the core radial power profile effect on the core cooling. As the result of the analyses, the followings are found; (1) Both maximum clad temperature and fuel temperature are below the design limits. (2) The radial power profile has little effect on the coolant flow distribution among fuel assemblies. (3) The radial power profile has little effect on the heat transfer coefficients along fuel rods. (4) The thermal hydraulic behaviors along four steam generators are identical. The thermal hydraulic behaviors along two pumps are also identical. A fast running input data is developed by the simplification of the detailed input data based on the findings mentioned above.