Improvement of high voltage rectifier of J-PARC klystron power supply
千代 悦司; 佐川 隆*; 鳥山 稔*
Chishiro, Etsuji; Sagawa, Ryu*; Toriyama, Minoru*
Klystron power supplies in the J-PARC have been generated high voltage DC power by chopping 12-phase AC voltage power by thyristors, and boosting the voltage up to 110 kV in step-up transformer and rectifying the voltage in high voltage rectifiers. Some of the high voltage transformers (HVTR), which consist of the step-up transformer and the high voltage rectifier and the reactor, were often broken in the running time of over 30,000 hours. This failure caused the long-term shut down of the J-PARC facility. The high voltage rectifier composed diodes and condensers by a series connection of 66 stages. Investigation of the failed rectifier shows that the capacitors ware applied the overvoltage because the flashover occurred on the ceramic surface. We investigated the mechanisms applying the overvoltage and took measure for the overvoltage to the rectifier. The HVTR with the improved rectifier has been operating for long term to assess the modification effect.