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Report No.

Technological investigation of the simplified MA-bearing fuel fabrication process for fast reactors and accelerator driven systems

Yamada, Yoshikazu ; Kawaguchi, Koichi  ; Segawa, Tomoomi ; Matsumura, Tatsuro  ; Kato, Masato   

Researchers at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) have proposed the transmutation of minor actinides (MAs) by both fast reactors (FRs) and accelerator driven systems (ADSs) as a way to contribute significantly to the reduction of the volume and the potential radiotoxicity of radioactive wastes. Pu-U mixed oxide with small amount of MA is adopted as fuel of FRs, while U-free nitride and mixed oxide of MA, Pu and inert element are candidates for fuel of ADSs. JAEA researchers have also studied the simplified MOX fuel fabrication process to decrease the fabrication cost. This report describes a technological investigation of the simplified MA-bearing fuel fabrication process that prepares fuel suitable for both FRs and ADSs. Furthermore, this report includes an analysis of the feasibility of fabricating MA macro-dispersion pellets and MA micro-dispersion pellets for ADSs by using the simplified MOX fabrication process. The flowabilities of both de-nitrated raw powders were improved with the tumbling granulator, and the Carr flowability index was more than 70 for both. The green pellets had no defects in their appearance such as cracks. The CeO$$_{2}$$ particles were dispersed homogeneously in both macro-dispersion and micro-dispersion pellets. As a result, it was judged that the simplified MOX fuel fabrication process is applicable to fabrication of MOX pellets for ADSs as well as FRs.



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