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Report No.

Progress in the geological disposal program in Japan

Deguchi, Akira*; Umeki, Hiroyuki*; Ueda, Hiroyoshi*; Miyamoto, Yoichi; Shibata, Masahiro ; Naito, Morimasa ; Tanaka, Toshihiko*

The H12 report demonstrated the feasibility of safe and technically reliable geological disposal in 1999. The Government of Japan re-evaluated the geological disposal program in terms of technical feasibility based on state-of-the-art geosciences and implementation process, because more than 10 years have passed from H12 and the Great Earthquake and nuclear accident have increased public concern regarding nuclear issues and natural hazards to cause accidents at nuclear facilities. Following the re-evaluation, the Government concluded further to promote geological disposal program, and thus the Basic Policy for Final Disposal was revised in 2015 including a new approach to siting process with identification of "Scientifically Preferable Areas". NUMO and relevant research organizations such as JAEA have been carrying out R and D activities to increase technical reliability for geological disposal. NUMO has started to develop a generic safety case.



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