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Report No.

An Overview of marine modelling activities in IAEA MODARIA Program; Lessons learnt from the Baltic Sea and Fukushima scenarios

Peri$'a$$~n$ez, R.*; Bezhenar, R.*; Brovchenko, I.*; Duffa, C.*; Iosjpe, M.*; Jung, K.-T.*; Kobayashi, Takuya ; Lamego, F.*; Maderich, V.*; Min, B.-I.*; Nies, H.*; Osvath, I.*; Outola, I.*; Psaltaki, M.*; Suh, K.-S.*; de With, G.*

State-of-the art dispersion models were applied to simulate $$^{137}$$Cs dispersion from Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster fallout in the Baltic Sea and from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant releases in the Pacific Ocean after the 2011 tsunami. Models were of different nature, from box to full three-dimensional models, and included water/sediment interactions. Agreement between models and between models and experimental data (from HELCOM database) was very good in the Baltic. In the case of Fukushima, results from models could be considered to be in acceptable agreement only after a model harmonization process consisting of using exactly the same forcing (water circulation and parameters) in all models. It was found that the dynamics of the considered system (magnitude and variability of currents) was essential in obtaining a good agreement between models. The difficulties in developing operative models for decision-making support in these dynamic environments were highlighted.



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