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Report No.

Spent fuel test equipment for research and development activities at NUCEF-BECKY

Suzuki, Asuka; Hotoku, Shinobu ; Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Tsutsui, Nao  ; Tsubata, Yasuhiro   ; Matsumura, Tatsuro  

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts extensive research and development (R&D) activities toward the development of aqueous separation processes for spent nuclear fuel at the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Safety Engineering Research Facility-Back-end Fuel Cycle Key Element Research Facility (NUCEF-BECKY). BECKY is equipped with three hot cells, several glove boxes, and fume hoods. One of the hot cells, called the process cell, contains bench scale spent fuel test equipment used for U, Pu, and other spent fuel material. In this study, we describe an equipment used for aqueous separation processes in the process cell.



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