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Report No.

Muon interaction models implemented in PHITS and those applications

Abe, Shinichiro   

In the recent development, we have implemented models of muon interactions (i.e., bremsstrahlung, electron-positron pair production, muon photonuclear interaction, and negative muon capture reaction) into PHITS ver. 2.82. We will report the summary of these models, the result of the benchmark and application results. PHITS described vertical intensities of terrestrial muons in the ground well. PHITS reproduces productions of secondary particles from muon interaction with light and intermediate nuclei target even though that from Pb target cannot reproduced well. Nuclear transmutation by negative muon capture reaction has been investigated. From a rough estimate with transmutation ratio calculated by PHITS, we conclude that much higher intensity of negative muon source is required for transmutation by negative muon capture reaction. We have also investigated secondary cosmic-ray muon-induced soft errors. It is clarified that the muon-induced soft error is mainly caused by negative muon capture reaction.



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