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Report No.

ICRP activities on dose coefficients for members of the public from external exposures to environmental sources

Petoussi-Henss, N.*; Bellamy, M.*; Bolch, W. E.*; Eckerman, K. F.*; Endo, Akira   ; Hertel, N.*; Hunt, J.*; Jansen, J.*; Kim, C. H.*; Lee, C.*; Satoh, Daiki   ; Saito, Kimiaki  ; Schlattl, H.*; Yeom, Y. S.*; Yoo, S. J.*; Harrison, J.*

A Task Group of the Committee 2 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP, is currently working on the estimation of effective dose and organ dose coefficients for members of the public due to environmental external exposures to photons and electrons. The JAEA is contributing to the Task Group by calculating the doses with the radiation transport code PHITS which has been developed in the JAEA. Those calculations were performed using the ICRP adult and pediatric male and female reference computational phantoms for the environmental radiation sources in air, soil, and water. The obtained results of effective dose and organ dose are normalized to radioactivity concentration, ambient dose equivalent, and air kerma, and summarize in a database of the dose coefficients. Furthermore, dose coefficients for radionuclides in the environment are also evaluated by using the most recent nuclear decay data.



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