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Report No.

R&D of MA separation processes for P&T system using ADS, 8; Examination of novel extractants for MA/RE separation

Suzuki, Hideya; Sasaki, Yuji  ; Tsubata, Yasuhiro   ; Shibata, Mitsunobu; Kurosawa, Tatsuya; Kawasaki, Tomohiro; Sagawa, Hiroshi; Matsumura, Tatsuro  

Hexaalkyl-nitrilotriacetamide (NTAamide) was evaluated for the separation of MA(III) and RE(III). NTAamide is a multidentate ligand comprising one soft N-donor atom and three hard O-donor atoms as part of its central frame. This tetradentate set of donor atoms provide selective binding for Am(III) and Nd(III) and yield separation factors of up to 3.7. A continuous liquid liquid extraction and stripping process were performed using Hexaoctyl-NTAamide (HONTA) in n-dodecane as the extractant in a multistage countercurrent mixer-settler extractor. Separation of MA(III) and RE(III) in high yield was demonstrated.



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