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Report No.

Study on a generation method for LES thermally-stratified boundary layer flows using a recycling technique

Nakayama, Hiromasa   ; Takemi, Tetsuya*

In using Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) in study fields of computational fluid engineering, boundary layer meteorology, and atmospheric dispersion, one of difficult problems is a treatment of turbulent inflow boundary. The variability of atmospheric flow is induced by meteorological disturbances, terrains, and surface roughness elements. Therefore, wind velocities are also always changed. In conducting LESs, time-dependent turbulent inflow data have to be imposed at the inlet boundary depending on the atmospheric conditions. In this study, from a practical application perspective, we propose a generation method for thermally-stratified boundary layer flows by a short fetch and discuss the effectiveness of the approach in comparison to the existing wind tunnel experimental data.



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