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Report No.

Improvement of ex-vessel molten core behavior models for the JASMINE code

Matsumoto, Toshinori ; Kawabe, Ryuhei; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki ; Maruyama, Yu 

During severe accident at nuclear power stations, molten core material jet could be discharged from the reactor pressure vessel into the water pool formed at the pedestal or cavity in the containment vessel. To improve the JASMINE code, The method for determining particle diameters which follow the Rosin-Rammler distribution was implemented. The jet breakup experiments, DEFOR-A conducted by KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) were analyzed with the code. The influence of the experimental conditions, such as water subcooling, melt jet diameter and superheat were discussed. A crust layer formation model was also implemented in the code. The analyses using the model were carried out for the melt spreading experiments, PULiMS conducted by KTH. The spreading area was overestimated. Further improvement of the melt spreading model were discussed to close the gaps by introducing additional models such as heat conduction in the substrate materials, void formed inside the melt and so on.



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