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Report No.

Drift simulation of Japan Tsunami Marine Debris (JTMD) as an application of data assimilation

Kamachi, Masafumi*; Kawamura, Hideyuki  ; Ishikawa, Yoichi*; Usui, Norihisa*

A drift simulation on the movement of the marine debris has been conducted by a Japanese modeling group (JAMSTEC, JAEA, and MRI) in order to examine the positions of the marine debris in the North Pacific, landing positions on the coast, and landing date after the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. The simulation has been conducted under the Japanese national project and MoE-PICES ADRIFT project. The potential locations of the marine debris were determined by numerical simulations with an ocean data assimilation system MOVE/MRI.COM-WNP and -NP, a coupled atmosphere-ocean data assimilation system K7, and an oceanic dispersion model SEA-GEARN. Data assimilation, dispersion method, current and wind fields, effect of windage, and comparison with sighting observation will be reported.



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