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Development of non-destructive assay technique for measurements of nuclear materials using neutron resonance reactions

土屋 晴文 

Tsuchiya, Harufumi


Neutron resonance densitometry (NRD) was developed to determine the amount of isotopes of U and Pu in particle-like fuel debris. It consists of neutron resonance transmission analysis (NRTA) and neutron resonance capture analysis (NRCA) / Prompt Gamma-ray Analysis (PGA). NRTA measures nuclear materials (NMs), while NRCA/PGA plays a role of identifying impurities such as structure materials and strong neutron absorbers that will be contained in particle-like debris. This is because NRTA would be unable to well quantify NMs when not knowing information on what impurities are present in particle-like debris. In order to investigate whether or not they are applicable to quantifications of NMs in particle-like debris, NRTA and NRCA/PGA experiments were carried out at a neutron time-of-facility GELINA. We present experimental results related to NRD developments, including a demonstration test performed at Mar, 2015.



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