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Report No.

Cesiated surface H$$^{-}$$ ion source; Optimization studies

Ueno, Akira  

In order to satisfy the increasing intensity requirements of high-energy and high-intensity proton accelerators for an H$$_{-}$$ ion beam with small transverse normalized rms emittances of around 0.25 $$pi$$mm$$cdot$$mrad, diverse parameters possibly reducing the emittances were optimised. Such as the plasma electrode shape and temperature, the radio-frequency (RF) matching network for the igniter plasma, the filter-field strength and distribution, the strength of the axial magnetic field around the beam extraction hole, the cesiasion procedure and the cesium (Cs) density, impurity elements, and so on, were optimized with H$$_{-}$$ ion sources for the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). By optimizing each parameter step by step, the J-PARC cesiated RF-driven H$$_{-}$$ ion source successfully produced the world brightest class beam with 95% beam transverse normalized rms emittances of 0.24 $$pi$$mm$$cdot$$mrad and an intensity of 66 mA.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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