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Report No.

Analysis with CFD code for THAI test on thermal-hydraulics during PAR activation

Sato, Masatoshi; Matsumoto, Toshinori ; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki ; Maruyama, Yu 

A numerical analysis was carried out on the thermal-hydraulic behavior during the operation of the PAR for the HR-5 test conducted in the OECD/NEA THAI project. In the HR-5 test, measurements were performed in the test vessel on the volume fractions of oxygen and hydrogen, gas temperature, pressure, flow velocity at the PAR inlet and so on. The open source code OpenFOAM was used for the present study with the reactingFoam solver which is appropriate to treat thermal-hydraulic phenomena including chemical reactions. The code was implemented with the correlation equations for the PAR used in the HR-5 and was modified to be capable of calculating the gas composition change during the recombination of hydrogen and oxygen. Comparison was made between the analysis and experimental results in the gas volume fraction and so on. It was shown that the analyses well reproduced the recombination behavior at the PAR and influences of the recombination heat on the thermal-hydraulic behavior.



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