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Report No.

Solidification of radioactive wastes using Alkali-activated materials "Geopolymer"

Meguro, Yoshihiro  ; Sato, Junya 

Various radioactive wastes, especially liquiform, pulverized or grained one, have to be immobilized in a disposal container, and methods such as cement solidification, bituminization, etc are so far examined and have been adopted. In recent years novel inorganic solidification materials have been developed. These are named Alkali-activated materials and so geopolymer. Mainly studies of geopolymer applying to radioactive wastes as a solidification material are under research and development stage, but the cases applied to solidification of the real radioactive waste increase a lot. In this report, we briefly explain about some research studies and practical examples of the geopolymer in the field of nuclear energy, particularly those of radioactive wastes generated in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.



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