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Report No.

Study on shot peened residual stress distribution under cyclic loading by numerical analysis

Ikushima, Kazuki*; Kitani, Yuji*; Shibahara, Masakazu*; Nishikawa, Satoru*; Furukawa, Takashi*; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi  ; Morooka, Satoshi  

In this research, to investigate the effect of shot peening on operation, an analysis method to predict the behavior of stress distribution on shot peening was proposed. In the proposed system, the load distribution on the collision of shots was modeled, and it was integrated with the dynamic analysis method based on the Idealized explicit FEM (IEFEM). The thermal elastic plastic analysis method using IEFEM was applied to the analysis of residual stress distribution of multi-pass welded pipe joint. The computed residual stress distribution was compared with the measured residual stress distribution using X-ray diffraction (XRD). As a result, it was shown that the both welding residual stress distribution agree well with each other. Considering the computed welding residual stress distribution, the modification of stress distribution due to shot peening was predicted by the proposed analysis system.



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