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Report No.

Application of Cherenkov light observation to reactor measurements, 3; Evaluation of spent fuel elements of LWRs with Cherenkov light estimation system

Yamamoto, Keiichi; Takeuchi, Tomoaki   ; Hayashi, Takayasu*; Kosuge, Fumiaki*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko 

Development of the reactor measurement system has been carried out to obtain the real-time in-core nuclear and thermal information, where the quantitative measurement of brightness of Cherenkov light was investigated. The system would be applied as a monitoring system in severe accidents and for the advanced operation management technology in existing LWRs. This report summarized the modification of Cherenkov light estimation system described JAEA-Testing 2015-001 and the result of the burn-up evaluation by Cherenkov light image emitted from spent fuel elements of LWRs with the modified system.



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