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Report No.

Technical/institutional prerequisite for nuclear forensics response framework

Tamai, Hiroshi ; Okubo, Ayako; Kimura, Yoshiki  ; Kokaji, Lisa; Shinohara, Nobuo ; Tomikawa, Hirofumi

Nuclear Forensics capability has been developed under the international collaborations. For its effective function, technical development in analysis of seized nuclear materials as well as the institutional development in comprehensive response framework are required under individual national responsibility. In order to keep the "chain of custody" in the proper operation of sample collection at the event scene, radiological analysis at the laboratory, storage of the samples, and further inspection and trial, close cooperation and information sharing between relevant organisations are essential. IAEA issues the Implementing Guide to provide the model action plan and assists individual national development. International cooperation for the technical improvement and awareness cultivation is promoted. Examples in such national developments will be introduced and prospective technical/institutional prerequisite for nuclear forensics response framework will be studied.



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