Event sequence analysis of core disruptive accident in a metal-fueled sodium-cooled fast reactor
山野 秀将 ; 飛田 吉春; 久保 重信 ; 植田 伸幸*
Yamano, Hidemasa; Tobita, Yoshiharu; Kubo, Shigenobu; Ueda, Nobuyuki*
In this study, the event sequence analysis of CDA in a large metal-fueled SFR has been performed in order to investigate reactivity progression and molten fuel relocation behavior in the metal-fueled SFR. The initiating phase analysis during the CDA initiated by unprotected loss-of-flow accidents has been conducted using the CANIS code, which showed a small power peak. Using the initial conditions based on the initiating phase analysis, the SIMMER-III code was applied to a whole-core scale analyses to clarify the event sequence including the reactivity progression and molten fuel relocation. As a result, recriticality in the whole core analysis resulted in a very mild energy release. The mild energy release in the metal-fueled core can be attributed to the small specific heat of metal fuel and the large prompt negative reactivity feedback mechanism.