Status of LBE corrosion test loop "OLLOCHI" and experiments at JAEA
斎藤 滋
; 大久保 成彰
; 大林 寛生
; 佐々 敏信

Saito, Shigeru; Okubo, Nariaki; Obayashi, Hironari; Sasa, Toshinobu
原子力機構において研究が進められている加速器駆動システム(ADS: Accelerator Driven System)では、核破砕ターゲット及び炉心冷却材として鉛ビスマス共晶合金(LBE; Lead-Bismuth Eutectic)が採用される。将来のADSやJ-PARCに建設が計画されている、ADSターゲット実験施設(TEF-T)の実現には、LBEに関する多くの解決すべき課題がある。特に、T91(改良9Cr-1Mo鋼)やSUS316Lなどの鋼材に関して、400-550
Cの温度範囲で酸素濃度制御下かつLBE流動下の腐食データは不可欠である。原子力機構では高温での腐食データを得るために、"OLLOCHI (Oxygen-controlled LBE LOop Corrosion tests in HIgh-temperature)"と名付けられた新しい腐食試験ループを設計・製作した。高温部配管はT91製で、加熱器や膨張タンク容器は2.25Cr-1Mo鋼製である。これら高温部の最高温度は550
An ADS (Accelerator Driven System) for waste transmutation investigated in JAEA employs LBE (Lead-Bismuth Eutectic) as spallation target material and core coolant. To realize future ADS and an ADS target experimental facility (TEF-T) planned for construction in J-PARC, there are many technical issues on LBE. In particular, corrosion data of relevant materials like T91 (Mod. 9Cr-1Mo) and SS316L steels at 400-550
C under oxygen concentration controlled and flowing condition are indispensable. JAEA has designed and built new LBE corrosion test loop named OLLOCHI (Oxygen-controlled LBE LOop Corrosion tests in HIgh-temperature), to obtain the corrosion data at the higher temperature. The piping of high temperature sections was made by T91 and 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. The maximum temperature of these parts is 550
C. At low temperature sections, piping and components were made by SS316L and the maximum temperature is limited to 450
C. The status for the OLLOCHI as of March 2016 is that the some modification and the conditioning operation without LBE have already finished. The oxygen sensors and the oxygen control system will be installed soon. After that, the conditioning operation with LBE and oxygen control test will be started. And more, additional flow meters will be installed in each test section until next March. In parallel with these tests, thermal hydraulic analysis of the two test sections will be performed to identify the flow pattern in the specimen holders.