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Report No.

Anticipations of NRF-based NDA of nuclear material using monochromatic $$gamma$$-ray beams

Seya, Michio; Hajima, Ryoichi*; Hayakawa, Takehito*; Koizumi, Mitsuo 

The NRF-base NDA using monochromatic $$gamma$$-rays would be used in nuclear security for secure detection of NM in thick shield and also for precise checking of interior structures of detected / suspicious objects. This NDA also would be used in nuclear safeguards for precise quantification of U/Pu isotopes in high radiation background, such as spent fuel assemblies / melted fuel debris in a canister. It is also useful for precise measurement of quantities of minor actinide isotopes in ADS (Accelerator Driven Sub-critical System; for transmutation of long-half-life minor actinides (MA)) fuels before and after irradiation in the ADS reactor core. In this presentation, we show actual NRF-NDA methods for these objects.



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