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Event sequence assessment using plant dynamics analysis based on continuous Markov chain process with Monte Carlo sampling assessment of strong wind hazard in sodium cooled fast reactor

Takata, Takashi  ; Azuma, Emiko*; Nishino, Hiroyuki  ; Yamano, Hidemasa   ; Sakai, Takaaki*

A new approach has been developed to assess event sequences under external hazard condition considering a plant status quantitatively and stochastically so as to take various scenarios into account automatically by applying a Continuous Markov Chain Monte Carlo (CMMC) method coupled with a plant dynamics analysis. In the paper, a strong wind is selected as the external hazard to assess the plant safety in a loop type sodium cooled fast reactor. As a result, it is demonstrated that the plant state is quite safe in case of the strong wind because multiple failures of the air coolers in the auxiliary cooling system (ACS) has a quite low probability. Furthermore, a weight factor is introduced so as to investigate the low failure probability events with a comparative small number of the sampling.



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