Review of research on Advanced Computational Science in FY2015
Center for Computational Science & e-Systems
Research on advanced computational science for nuclear applications, based on "Plan to Achieve Medium to Long-term Objectives of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Medium to Long-term Plan)", has been performed at Center for Computational Science & e-Systems (CCSE), Japan Atomic Energy Agency. CCSE established the committee consisting outside experts and authorities which does research evaluation and advices for the assistance of the research and development. This report summarizes the followings. (1) Results of the R&D performed at CCSE in FY 2015 (April 1st, 2015 - March 31st, 2016), (2) Results of the evaluation on the R&D by the committee in FY 2015 (April 1st, 2015 - March 31st, 2016)