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Validation study in SAS4A code in simulated mild TOP condition


川田 賢一   ; 鈴木 徹

Kawada, Kenichi; Suzuki, Toru

Model improvements and validation efforts for SAS4A code, which is the most advanced computer code for simulating the primary phase of the Core Disruptive Accident (CDA) of MOX-fueled Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors, have been performed utilizing the experimental data from the CABRI programs by JAEA, IRSN, CEA and KIT. In order to confirm validity of improved models of SAS4A, a systematic and comprehensive validation plan was defined. It was based on the PIRT (Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table) result for CDA of MOX-fueled fast reactors. This paper describes the preliminary result of validation study for SAS4A code in simulated Transient Over-Power (TOP) condition. The capability of the SAS4A code on the burst failure mode have been examined and validated under various TOP conditions for fuel pins with different irradiated conditions. This study enhanced the credibility of SAS4A code under a wider range of evaluation conditions than ever before.



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