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Report No.

Development of transportation container for neutron startup source of High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR)

Shimazaki, Yosuke ; Sawahata, Hiroaki ; Yanagida, Yoshinori; Shinohara, Masanori ; Kawamoto, Taiki; Takada, Shoji

The High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) has three neutron startup sources (NSs) in the reactor core, each of which consists of $$^{252}$$Cf with 3.7GBq The NSs are exchanged at the interval of approximately 7 years. The NS holders including NSs are transported from the dealer's hot cell to the reactor facility of HTTR using a transportation container. The loading work of NS holders to the Control Rod guide blocks is subsequently carried out in the fuel handling machine maintenance pit of HTTR. Following technical issues were extracted from the experiences in the past two exchange works of NSs to develop a safety handling procedure; (1) The reduction and prevention of radiation exposure of workers. (2) The exclusion of falling of NS holder. Then, a new transportation container special to the NSs of HTTR was developed to solve the technical issues while keeping the cost as low as that for overhaul of conventional container and satisfying the regulation of A type transportation package.



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