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Report No.

Guidance for ${it in situ}$ gamma spectrometry intercomparison based on the information obtained through five intercomparisons during the Fukushima mapping project

Mikami, Satoshi   ; Ishikawa, Daisuke*; Matsuda, Hideo*; Hoshide, Yoshifumi*; Okuda, Naotoshi*; Sakamoto, Ryuichi*; Saito, Kimiaki  

Five intercomparisons of in situ $$gamma$$ spectrometry by 6-7 participating teams have been conducted between December 2011 and August 2015 at sites in Fukushima prefecture which affected by the fallout of FDNPS accident occurred in March 2011. The evaluated deposition densities agreed within 5-6% in terms of coefficient of variation (CV) for radiocesium ($$^{134}$$Cs and $$^{137}$$Cs), by our best achievement, and the ratio of $$^{134}$$Cs/$$^{137}$$Cs in deposition density agreed within 1-2% in CV, through five intercomparisons. These results guarantee the accuracy of the measurements of the mapping project. Two different methods for intercomparison were conducted: (1) sequential measurements at an identical point; and (2) simultaneous measurements in a narrow area within 3 m radius. In a comparison between the two methods at a site, no significant difference was observed between the results. The standard protocols for the two different intercomparison methods were proposed based on our experience.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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