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Report No.

Full-f gyrokinetic simulations on rotation changes induced by electron heating modulation

Idomura, Yasuhiro   

Turbulent momentum transport, which is considered to dictate plasma rotation in ITER, is one of critical issues in the International Tokamak Physics Activity. In particular, in recent years, plasma rotation changes induced by electron cyclotron heating, which does not have momentum input, have attracted attention as a phenomenon, which indicates transition of turbulent momentum transport. However, its physical mechanism has been open. In this work, we successfully reproduced this phenomena in numerical experiments using a Gyrokinetic Toroidal 5D full-f Eulerian code GT5D. Based on a direct observation of the toroidal angular momentum conservation, it is found that turbulent momentum transport is changed by a transition of dominant turbulence from ion turbulence to electron turbulence induced by electron heating.



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