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Report No.

Neutronic characteristic of HTTR fuel compact with various packing models of coated fuel particle

Ho, H. Q.   ; Honda, Yuki; Goto, Minoru  ; Takada, Shoji

To study the packing effects of the truncated coated fuel particle on the criticality for the High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR), four alternative models including the truncated uniform model, the non-truncated uniform model, the truncated random model and the non-truncated random model for the arrangement of CFP in fuel compact were used, and the neutronic and criticality calculation were performed by using Monte Carlo MCNP6 code with ENDF/B-VII.1 cross section library. The results showed that the infinite multiplication factors (k$$_{rm inf}$$) in the truncated models were lower than those of the non-truncated models regardless of the uniform or random arrangement, and the four factors in the four-factor-formula showed that the difference of k$$_{rm inf}$$ was mainly attributed to the resonance escape probability. The difference in resonance escape probability is caused by the increase of capture reactions in the resonance region as the influence of spatial-self-shielding-effect. It is because the equivalent kernel diameter of the CFP for the truncated model is smaller than that of the non-truncated model.



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