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Report No.

FENDL-3.1b test

Konno, Chikara  ; Kwon, Saerom*; Ota, Masayuki*; Sato, Satoshi*

The revised version of FENDL-3, FENDL-3.1b was released in October, 2015. Thus we have tested FENDL-3.1b neutron sub-library for the problems we reported to IAEA before. Most of the MATXS files above 20 MeV had no scattering matrix data of non-elastic scattering, but this problem was fixed by re-processing FENDL-3 with NJOY2012.50. As for the problem on KERMA factors and DPA data, IAEA revised the wrong Q value of the capture reaction in $$^{15}$$N and re-calculated KERMA factors and DPA data with NJOY2012.50. It was confirmed that most of the KERMA factors and DPA data were revised correctly except for huge gas production cross-section data. However a new problem on NJOY processing of gas production data was found out. It was pointed out that this problem was due to a bug of NJOY. Additionally we investigated a trouble on $$^{116}$$Sn and $$^{117}$$Sn NJOY processing at IAEA and specified that one of NJOY patches caused this trouble.



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