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Report No.

Scenario development on application of engineering technology for geological disposal; Study of influence of earthquake at site construction, operation and closure stages and that impact on safety functions after closure of disposal facility (Contract research)

Takai, Shizuka ; Takayama, Hideki*; Takeda, Seiji 

In this report, another group of scenarios for occurrence of earthquake at construction stage, operation stage and closure stage of disposal facility was presented. At first, we compiled information about damage cases of tunnel by earthquake and analyzed conditions for occurrence of damage. Base on this result and the previous report, information of influence of the accidents and human factors on safety functions and information of FEP about THMC variation, we specified events to be considered, which occur by earthquake and influence engineering barriers, natural barriers and long-term safety after closure stage of disposal facility. We compiled influence of the events on safety functions after closure stage of disposal and showed the chains of the influence on long-term safety as scenarios. These results were integrated as a database that could support development of scenarios caused by application of engineering technologies to geological disposal.



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