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Removal of radioactive substances using inorganic compounds entangled by polymer chain grafted onto fiber

Saito, Kyoichi*; Kojima, Takashi*; Asai, Shiho

Insoluble cobalt ferrocyanide and sodium titanate specifically capture cesium and strontium ions, respectively, in water contaminated with radionuclides which is found in Fukushima Daiichi NPP. The inorganic compounds used in this study were formed as precipitates in the polymer chain grafted onto a commercially available 6-nylon fiber using radiation-induced graft polymerization. An impregnation structure with the precipitates entangled by the grafted polymer chain through an electrostatic interaction via multipoints was indicated. The resultant insoluble cobalt ferrocyanide- or sodium titanate-impregnated fiber exhibited a higher adsorption rate and adsorption capacity per gram of the inorganic compound for cesium or strontium ions in seawater than conventional granular adsorbents.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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