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Report No.

Solvent extraction of uranium with ${it N}$,${it N}$-di(2-ethylhexyl)octanamide from nitric acid medium

Tsutsui, Nao  ; Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Sagawa, Hiroshi; Ishii, Sho; Matsumura, Tatsuro  

Solvent extraction of uranium from a nitric acid medium was performed with ${it N}$,${it N}$-di(2-ethylhexyl)octanamide (DEHOA) by a single-stage batch method, and the distribution ratio equation of U(VI) was derived as $${it D}_{rm U}$$ = 1.1$$[rm NO^{-}_{3}]^{1.6}_{rm aq}[{rm DEHOA}]^{2}_{rm org}$$. Furthermore, the nitric acid distribution was also evaluated, and the distribution ratio equation $${it D}_{rm H}$$ = 0.12$$[rm H^{+}]^{0.76}_{rm aq}[{rm DEHOA_{rm Free}}]_{rm H}$$ was obtained. Batch experiments to evaluate the time dependence of U(VI) extraction and the U(VI) loading capacity of DEHOA were also performed. It was revealed that U(VI) extraction by DEHOA reached an equilibrium state within a few minutes, and the loading capacity was 0.71 mol/dm$$^{3}$$ (M) when the concentrations of DEHOA and nitric acid were 1.5 and 3.0 M, respectively.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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