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Report No.

Development of compact high field pulsed magnet system for new sample environment equipment at MLF in J-PARC

Watanabe, Masao   ; Nojiri, Hiroyuki*; Ito, Shinichi*; Kawamura, Seiko   ; Kihara, Takumi*; Masuda, Takatsugu*; Sahara, Takuro*; Soda, Minoru*; Takahashi, Ryuta

Recently, neutron scattering experiments have been rapidly progressed under high magnetic field. In the J-PARC, proto-type compact pulse magnet system with the power supply, the coil and the sample stick has been developed. Basic specifications of the power supply are as follows; maximum charged voltage with capacitor is 2 kV, maximum current is 8 kA, repetition rate is a pulse per several minutes and pulse duration is several msec. Maximum magnetic field in the coil is more than 30 Tesla. The sample stick is designed for Orange-Cryostat. In this presentation, We report the details of the pulsed magnet system and the performance of it on neutron scattering experiments at MLF beam line (HRC).



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