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Report No.

Investigation of Zircaloy-2 oxidation model for SFP accident analysis

Nemoto, Yoshiyuki  ; Kaji, Yoshiyuki  ; Ogawa, Chihiro; Kondo, Keietsu  ; Nakashima, Kazuo*; Kanazawa, Toru*; Tojo, Masayuki*

The authors previously conducted thermogravimetric analyses on zircaloy-2 in air. By using the thermogravimetric data, an oxidation model was constructed in this study so that it can be applied for the modeling of cladding degradation in spent fuel pool (SFP) severe accident condition. For its validation, oxidation tests of long cladding tube were conducted, and computational fluid dynamics analyses using the constructed oxidation model were proceeded to simulate the experiments. In the oxidation tests, high temperature thermal gradient along the cladding axis was applied and air flow rates in testing chamber were controlled to simulate hypothetical SFP accidents. The analytical outputs successfully reproduced the growth of oxide film and porous oxide layer on the claddings in oxidation tests, and validity of the oxidation model was proved. Influence of air flow rate for the oxidation behavior was thought negligible in the conditions investigated in this study.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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