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Report No.

Development of groundwater management technology report

Iyatomi, Yosuke ; Mikake, Shinichiro ; Matsui, Hiroya 

The Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) project is being pursued by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to enhance the reliability of geological disposal technologies through investigations of the deep geological environment in the crystalline host rock (granite) at Mizunami City in Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. The three remaining important issues have been carrying out on the MIU project. This report focuses on "Development of groundwater management technology" for "Development of countermeasure technologies for reducing groundwater inflow", which is one of those important issues. The concentrations of naturally occurring fluorine and boron dissolved in groundwater pumped from shafts and horizontal tunnels at MIU, are reduced to the levels below the environmental standards at a water treatment facility. The development of groundwater management technologies including such groundwater treatment is one key issue for large-scale underground facility construction. With this background, literature survey related to investigations on the latest treatment technologies for removing fluorine and boron from waste water were conducted and applicability of the technologies to MIU were reviewed. Additionally, the countermeasures against rocks, soils and groundwater containing naturally occurring heavy metals were summarized. The literature survey results indicated that the adsorbent was able to remove fluorine and boron, and the coprecipitation was able to remove fluorine to the levels below their respective environmental standards. However, the ground water at MIU contains suspended solids and cement due to excavation, its removal rates of fluorine and boron are different from the ones of general waste water. From this point, it concluded that the present groundwater treatment method performed at MIU: coagulation treatment for removal of fluorine and control of pH primary, and adsorbent treatment for removed boron is appropriated.



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