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Report No.

Development and verification of a new nuclear data processing system FRENDY

Tada, Kenichi   ; Nagaya, Yasunobu  ; Kunieda, Satoshi  ; Suyama, Kenya; Fukahori, Tokio  

JAEA has developed an evaluated nuclear data library JENDL and several nuclear analysis codes such as MARBLE2, SRAC, MVP and PHITS. Though JENDL and these computer codes have been widely used in many countries, the nuclear data processing system to generate the data library for application programs had not been developed in Japan and foreign nuclear data processing systems, e.g., NJOY and PREPRO are used. To process the new library for JAEA's computer codes immediately and independently, JAEA started to develop the new nuclear data processing system FRENDY in 2013. In this paper, outline, function, and verification of FRENDY are described.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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