ICRP, ICRUにおける防護量と実用量に関する最新の検討状況
Recent discussion on protection quantities and operational quantities by ICRP and ICRU
遠藤 章

Endo, Akira
Radiological protection requires the quantification of the extent of exposure of the human body to ionizing radiation. To this end, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) developed a dosimetry system consisting of protection quantities and operational quantities. The existing dosimetry system has been successfully used in radiological protection practice and regulations. Nevertheless, the system has some limitations and needs further improvements to consider changes in the fields of radiological protection. ICRP and ICRU have been discussing the issues to propose an alternative system of radiation dosimetry. This presentation overviews recent discussion on the protection quantities and operational quantities by ICRP and ICRU and the proposed dosimetry system for radiological protection.