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Magnetic structure of one-dimensional frustrated quantum spin system Cs$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{2}$$Mo$$_{3}$$O$$_{12}$$

Yasui, Yukio*; Fujimura, Akio*; Omori, Kiyoshi*; Igawa, Naoki   ; Matsukawa, Takeshi*; Yoshida, Yukihiko*; Hoshikawa, Akinori*; Ishigaki, Toru*

The magnetic structure of Cs$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{2}$$Mo$$_{3}$$O$$_{12}$$ with CuO$$_{2}$$ ribbon chains have been studied by using the neutron powder diffraction. The magnetic reflections were observed below $$T_mathrm{N}$$ = 1.85 K and all of the magnetic reflections overlapped Bragg reflections. Considering that these are 16-Cu$$^{2+}$$ ions in the unit cell, Cs$$_{2}$$Cu$$_{2}$$Mo$$_{3}$$O$$_{12}$$ has the collinear-antiferromagnetic structure.



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