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Report No.

Production and decay of charmed baryons

Hosaka, Atsushi; Hiyama, Emiko; Kim, S.-H.*; Kim, H.-C.*; Nagahiro, Hideko*; Noumi, Hiroyuki*; Oka, Makoto   ; Shirotori, Kotaro*; Yoshida, Tetsuya*; Yasui, Shigehiro*

In this paper, we discuss reactions involving charmed baryons to explore their unique features. A well known phenomenon, the separation of the two internal motions of the $$rho$$ and $$lambda$$ types of a three-quark system is revisited. First we discuss the mass spectrum of low-lying excitations as functions of the heavy quark mass, smoothly connecting the $$SU(3)$$ and heavy quark limits. The properties of these modes can be tested in the production and decay reactions of the baryons. For the productions, we consider a one step process which excites dominantly $$lambda$$ mode excitations. We find abundant production rates for some of excited states. For decays, we study pion emission process, which provides a clean tool to test the structure of heavy quark systems due to well controlled low energy dynamics of the pion and quark. Both productions and decays of the charmed baryons are the issues of the future experiments at J-PARC.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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