Japan - IAEA Joint Nuclear Energy Management School 2016
Yamaguchi, Mika; Hidaka, Akihide ; Ikuta, Yuko ; Murakami, Kenta*; Tomita, Akira*; Hirose, Hiroya*; Watanebe, Masanori*; Ueda, Kinichi*; Namaizawa, Ken*; Onose, Takatoshi*; Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Uesaka, Mitsuru*; Kita, Tomohiko*; Toba, Akio*; Kitabata, Takuya*; Sawai, Tomotsugu
Since 2010, IAEA has held the NEM School to develop future leaders who plan and manage nuclear energy utilization in their county. Since 2012, JAEA together with Japan Nuclear HRD Network, University of Tokyo, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum and JAIF International Cooperation Center have cohosted the school in Japan in cooperation with IAEA. Since then, the school has been held in Japan every year. In 2006, Japanese nuclear technology and experience, such as lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, were provided to offer a unique opportunity for the participants to learn about particular cases in Japan. Through the school, we contributed to the internationalization of Japanese young nuclear professionals, development of nuclear human resource of other countries including nuclear newcomers, and enhanced cooperative relationship with IAEA. Additionally, collaborative relationship within the network was strengthened by organizing the school in Japan.