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Report No.

Development of new method for evaluating the mineral distribution and mode; Quantitative image analysis using the elemental maps obtained by the scanning X-ray analytical microscope

Ishibashi, Masayuki; Yuguchi, Takashi*

Mode of granitic rocks is important information for evaluating their formation process, characterizing fracture distribution and understanding mass transfer in the rock matrix. However, previous methods to evaluate the mode of granitic rocks have several issues. Thus, this study provides the new image analysis method (MJPD method) using scanning X-ray analytical microscope for evaluation of mineral distribution and mode including the secondary minerals. The MJPD method can deal with the heterogeneity of elemental distribution in each mineral. For evaluating the applicability of MJPD method, the method was applied to elemental maps of thin sections. As a result, it was found out that the mineral distribution and mode are easily evaluated by MJPD method using the elemental maps measured in approximately 10,000 seconds. In addition, the MJPD method can be potentially applied to the elemental maps obtained by other analytical instrumentation such as EPMA and SEM-EDS.



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