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Report No.

Local fields at nonmagnetic impurity sites in a perovskite $${rm La_{0.7}Ca_{0.3}MnO_3}$$

Sato, Wataru*; Komatsuda, Sayaka*; Osa, Akihiko  ; Sato, Tetsuya   ; Okubo, Yoshitaka*

The magnetic hyperfine field and electric field gradient at the$$^{111}$$Cd($$leftarrow$$ $$^{rm 111m}$$Cd) and $$^{rm 111}$$Cd($$leftarrow$$$$^{rm 111}$$In) probe nuclei introduced in a perovskite manganese oxide $${rm La_{0.7}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3}}$$ ($$T_C$$ $$sim$$ 250 K) were measured for the study of the local magnetism and structure by means of time-differential perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy. In the ferromagnetic phase at 77 K, a very slight supertransferred magnetic hyperfine field (SMHF) ($$<$$ 0.014 T) combined with a well-defined electric field gradient was observed at the nonmagnetic $$^{111}$$Cd nucleus on the La/Ca A site. This observation suggests that the large magnetic hyperfine field ($$B_{hf}$$ = 6.9 T) measured, in our previous work, at the $$^{140}$$Ce probe nucleus on the A site originates from the contribution of a 4$$f$$ spin oriented by the SMHF from adjacent Mn ions.



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Category:Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical



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