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Report No.

Analysis of charge collection caused by radiation in a FinFET technology

Abe, Shinichiro   ; Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Kato, Takashi*; Matsuyama, Hideya*

Radiation-induced charges in semiconductor device cause temporary and non-destructive faults (the so-called soft errors) in microelectronic devices. The model which estimates charges collected in the storage node of a memory element quickly and accurately is necessary to evaluate soft error rate by simulation. It is predicted that charge collection process in FinFET is differs from that in planar process due to differences in their structures. In this study, we perform systematic investigation of charge collection caused by radiation using 3-D TCAD simulator HyENEXSS in order to construct the charge collection model for FinFET. As a result of that investigation, it is found that temporal conduction between source node and drain node arises at few psec. It is also clarified that the temporal conduction has a major impact on charge collection process when charges deposited only near fin. Meanwhile, it is found that diffusion process is the main cause of charge collection when charges deposited in the substrate.



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